This book references historical events as Super-centenarian Violet Mosse-Brown, who lived until the age of 117, reminisced on her life. It features the experiences of the legend, telling her story in her lifetime. Author Valomia Moss-Weir, niece of Violet Mosse-Brown, manages to tell her partial biography in a charming and captivating way with just the right amount of detail.
Title: Conversations with Super-centenarian Violet Mosse-Brown
Subtitle: n/a
Author: Valomia Moss-Weir
ISBN: 978-1-778310-02-7
Genre: adult non-fiction, teenage non-fictionTheme: biography, history, aging, centenarians, Guinness World Records, Longevity, Jamaica, Duanvale, Trelawny
Ages: adults
Trim Size: 6” x 9”
Page Count: 70
Format: paperback
Binding: perfect
Finish: gloss
Publication Date: October 2021
List Price: $18.00
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